Die Vorteile vom Pinkeln im Sitzen
Keine verschmutzte Toilette mehr Vermeidung der Verbreitung von Bakterien und Krankheitserregern Rücksicht auf Kollegen am Arbeitsplatz Rücksicht auf die Partnerin zu Hause Mehr Sauberkeit und
Keine verschmutzte Toilette mehr Vermeidung der Verbreitung von Bakterien und Krankheitserregern Rücksicht auf Kollegen am Arbeitsplatz Rücksicht auf die Partnerin zu Hause Mehr Sauberkeit und
I am trying to use less as possible plugins. The ones which I think are needed the most is to make up for the features
Diese Frage stellt sich sicher jeder hin und wieder und ich hab mal recherchiert, wie man an die besten Freizeittips rankommt. Qype kennen sicher schon
Für den seitlichen Schlaf hab ich seit Jahren von Tchibo ein halbrundes Kissen. Ca. 50 cm lang und ca. 20 cm im Durchmesser. Leider finde
Für Speichern und externes Versenden vieler bzw. größerer Dateien kann man Online-Dienste nutzen, bei denen man Files „in eine Wolke“ hochlädt. Statt Dateien zu versenden, reicht
Where do you go to if you want a photography or an illustration image? Google? flickr? Well those are nice for a quick and dirty
Ich bin kein Musiker und auch kein Hi-Fi Freak. Ich bin kein Spezialist für Lautsprecher-Boxen und ich bin auch keiner der welche verkauft. Aber, ich
I don’t know how often you type in passwords a day however I think I enter passwords about 100 times a day. As you know it
Es war einmal zwei reizende Leute, die heirateten. Sie hießen Christine und Immanuel. Es wurde ein riesiges, wunderschönes Hochzeitsfest. Zu Ihrer Zeit war es in
Molo. Igamalam ndingu Immi. Ndivela e Stuttgart eJamani. I am grateful for the opportunity to share a few brief thoughts with you. You might
Monday Today we learned that tomorrow we’ll have our final presentation. Huhhh that’s quite a short notice. But I think we welcomed it. It’s good
Thursday Together with my colleague today I chaired a second workshop. As a follow on to the photography workshop I have talked about image processing
Monday – it’s to be theirs, it’s all about sustainability My assignment is making progress. Kholiswa (the employee at RuLiv responsible for their Website) asked
Saturday – Port Elizabeth … observations We stood up very early on Saturday to go to Port Elizabeth for the weekend. I think it’s been
Wednesday – A shaking experience Today we’ve been in the field. This means we have been out in the rural area. This means we have
Sunday — Hänschen Klein Today we’ve been at the hogsback. I feel I am very fortunate to be here in South Africa and to be
Friday We call him the „Prof“. That’s our boss at the NGO „RuLiv“. Today we have discussed the „Scope of Work“ of our assignment which
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Sharon and Priya have made a wonderful dinner tonight. We planned our next days with a lasagne and a glass of wine,
Monday. South Africans can talk for a long time. When they give a presentation they don’t need any Power Point slides. „In Power Point there
Sunday. We flew here to East London this morning. It’s been a day to getting sorted and getting ready for the next 5 weeks work
Saturday. I’ve never heard about Black Economical Empowerment before. How ignorant! It is a very big thing here in South Africa. Yes I have heard
It started out at the airport when I got this incredible back ache. Normally it takes me weeks to recover but this time … I
In 30 min I am going to the airport. My journey to South Africa finally is starting. There was a lot to prepare and there
Manchmal denke ich mir irgendwas. Und zum Spaß Denke ich mir jetzt: ich bin aus Glas. Alle Leute, die da auf der Straße
Bist du schon auf der Sonne gewesen? Nein? — Dann brich dir aus einem Besen Ein kleines Stück Spazierstock heraus Und schleiche dich heimlich
I wanted to post this for quite a while. Since several years I am looking for speakers for my iPod/iPhone. I bought several speakers all
In one month I will go to South Africa with some IBM coworkers from all around the world. We are called the „South Africa Team
About 20 years ago I have made an apprenticeship at a printer’s shop. At that time we’ve been working on a regular magazin („THINK“) for
Here’s an interessting observation I’ve made. When I’ve set goals in the past they either have been achieved or I don’t feel the same way
A couple of weeks ago I have received a letter from the IBM Corporate Service Corps (CSC) folks … telling me that I will be
Heute bin ich um 8 Uhr aufgestanden. Dann hat mir Papa das Frühstück gerichtet und ich habe das leckere Marmelade Croissant schnelle gegessen. Später habe
A group of frogs were hopping contentedly through the woods, going about their froggy business, when two of them fell into a deep pit.
My grandmother — we call her „Ahne“ — passed away last week. And my daughters wanted to see our beloved grandmother one last time.
All dwelling in one house are strange sisters three, as unlike as any three sisters could be, yet try as you may to tell sister
They select the program, determine how the pieces are to be played, choose guest artists, staff the orchestra, and manage some external relationships. In
„Wiltina“ is one of Alina’s books. She wrote this half a year ago when she just got 7 years old. When I first read this
August 2005 Liebe Alina! Vielen Dank für deinen schönen Brief. Als ich ihn gelesen habe, hat mein Herz einen kleinen Sprung gemacht. So gefreut habe
Last week when I chatted with Alina on New Years eve … she told me that she is dreaming about a rainbow and that
„Everything from a good relationship with a customer to a good marriage is built on trust. Trust affects how we see the world, how
We see what we want to see. We perceive what we want to perceive. We invent ourselves and others (tell a true lie; self
Alina: „Dady, how do you best fall asleep?“ Dady: „Count sheeps.“ Alina: „Yes, I usually count till 120 or 180 and then I fall asleep